A dark-stained wood reclining ox
Nagoya, circa 1840
A dark-stained wood reclining ox, its head raised very slightly as it remains alert. The horns curl back to its ears and the eyes are inlaid in dark horn. The spine and ribs are well defined and the soft flesh of its body spreads gently at its sides.
Meinertzhagen (MCI) observes of this piece: “A remarkably fine and characteristic Netsuke by this craftsman, it’s (sic) perfectly detailed technique bearing the closest inspection. It’s (sic) unrestrained modelling and clean-cut curves at first seem rather stiff, but it reveals itself as an undoubted work of art.”
HIndson in the meantime refers to it as “fine and distinguished”.
Signed in ukibori within a raised rectangular reserve: Tadakuni
Length: 6.2cm
J.R. Hawker collection
Mark Hindson collection
Shelia M. Baker collection
H.I.H. Princess Takamado collection
Davey, N.K., Netsuke, London, revised edition 1982, p. 190, no. 573
Lazarnick, G., MCI, New York, 1986, p. 837
Bandini, R., The Sheila M. Baker Collection of Japanese Netsuke, London 2011, no. 43